Dentition Assessment
Dentition Assessment in Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect, IL
Part of each dental hygiene appointment is detection of dental caries (tooth decay/cavity). Dental decay is a localized destruction of teeth by microorganisms. To detect dental caries, both a careful clinical examination and radiographic examination are necessary. Dental radiographs (x-rays) enable us to identify carious lesions that are not visible clinically.
The “bite-wing” radiograph is the radiograph of choice for the evaluation of caries between teeth (interproximal caries). This area is difficult if not impossible to examine clinically with an explorer.

Caries Can Be Seen on Radiographs as Radiolucent Areas
Interproximal decay seen on posterior “Bite-wing” radiograph. Interproximal decay is decay that occurs between teeth.
Some caries are difficult to see on dental radiographs: Occlusal caries involve the chewing surface of teeth; buccal caries that involves cheek side of the teeth and lingual caries that involves tongue side of the teeth. These lesions can be better diagnosed clinically or with use of DIAGNOdent.
We Use DIAGNOdent Lasers
To provide the best service for our patients we have incorporated in our examination the DIAGNOdent– laser caries detection. The DIAGNOdent is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the ADA (American Dental Association) for the detection of beginning stages of tooth decay.
Even very small lesions are detected at the earliest stage, enabling as to protect and preserve the tooth substance. We find that The DIAGNOdent is a useful adjunct to visual examination and radiographs in detecting dental caries.
The DIAGNOdent at Dr Kakose’s Office is a part of the comprehensive exam for each new patient. However, during hygiene appointments not every patient will require the use of this device – only areas that the we deemed suspicious of a possible cavity. If unexpected tooth pain or an accident have you suffering, give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 847-758-0100 at your earliest convenience!