Fluoride Treatment
Fluoride Treatment in Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect, IL
Fluoride helps prevent dental decay in three ways: reduces the acid solubility of enamel, attracts minerals including calcium and phosphate for remineralization, and decreases the rate of transport of minerals out of enamel surface by precipitation of fluoridated hydroxyapatite within the enamel.

Fluoride Affects the Teeth Through Two Main Routs: Systemic and Topical
Systemic exposure to fluoride occurs when fluoride is ingested. It includes exposure to drinking water, processed foods, beverages, infant formula, and milk. All sources of dietary fluoride should be considered when determining total exposure.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains a website that lists the fluoridation status of community water supplies.
Fluoride was first incorporated into public drinking water supplies in 1945. Shortly thereafter, The US began experiencing a significant decline in prevalence and severity of dental decay, which is attributed largely to water fluoridation. It should be considered that water fluoridation also has a topical effect and when individuals drink fluoridated water frequently throughout the day, it provides a topical exposure that helps prevent decay. Research shows that systemic fluoride intake, incorporates insufficient amounts of fluoride to play a significant role in dental decay prevention.
Topical fluoride is the rout of exposure that clinician and a patient has most control over. Current evidence shows that topical fluoride products are effective at preventing decay and that additional benefits are obtained when adding another topical fluoride product with regular use of fluoridated dentifrice. Topical Fluoride is a safe and effective method for reducing the risk of cavities among\children all ages. Nowadays fluoride is found in dentifrices, mouthrinses, gels, foams and varnishes. The percentage in each product varies, however, it can be easily compared using a parts per million (ppm). The new recommended level for community water fluoridation (0.7 ppm) provides an effective reference point for fluoride concentration.
Fluoride is most effective when applied frequently in low concentrations. This is why the introduction of fluoridated toothpaste had such a dramatic impact on the prevalence of dental decay. The majority of toothpastes used in the US contain 1,000 ppm to 1,100 ppm of sodium fluoride or sodium monofluorophosphate
Prescription fluoride toothpaste – generaly contain 1.1% ( 5000 ppm) sodium fluoride. It is excellent preventive strategy for high – risk patients. Patient is advised not to rinse, eat and drink for 30 minutes following use.
Patients who struggle with self – care may particularly benefit from the addition of a fluoride mouthrinse. Mouthrinses are easily to use, and research shows that patients will readily incorporate them into daily self-care routines. The most frequent fluoride component used in mouthrinses is sodium fluoride. Over – the counter solutions recommended for daily use typically contain 0.05% sodium fluoride (225 ppm fluoride). Prescription mouthrinses contain 0.2% sodium fluoride (900 ppm fluoride).
Common Fluoride Treatments
Our dental office offers a few types of Fluoride treatments. The most common are:
(5% NaF- 22,600 ppm)
Studies show that fluoride Varnish provides 46% overall reduction in permanent dentition caries however FDA has only approved fluoride varnish for reducing dentinal hypersensitivity. Some patients may have low tolerance for the stickiness, taste, and texture of varnish, thus we recommend alternative treatments for such patients. However, ease of application and minimal risk of ingestion makes varnish ideal for pediatric dental patients. Also patient should be instructed to avoid hot, hard, or crumchy foods and drinks immediately after application and to skip brushing teeth the night following their visit to maximize contact between the fluoride varnish and the enamel.
Mi Paste Plus
(0.2% Na F- 900 ppm)
MI Paste is effective in preventing and reversing early caries lesions, also prevents tooth sensitivity, prevents and reverses white spot lesions, prevents caries resulting from dry mouth and protects teeth from acid erosion. MI Paste is a sugar free crème containing Recaldent – combines calcium and phosphate and natural milk protein that promotes remineralization. Uptake of minerals results in repair and strengthening of the porous tooth structure but also in increased acid-resistance. MI Paste Plus offers the same benefits of MI Paste, but is enhanced with a patented form of fluoride (900ppm). Since the fluoride acts in conjunction with Recaldent, it is more effective than fluoride alone. Mi Paste contains 900 ppm fluoride ions (0.2% sodium fluoride) and is recommended to be applied twice a day at home.
- Apply using a clean finger
- Leave undisturbed for a minimum of three minutes
- Spread around the mouth and teeth with the tongue
- Expectorate, do not rinse and avoid food or drink for 30 minutes
- Nightly application is the standard recommendation
- For high risk patients, apply both morning and night
Schedule Regular Cleaning Appointments Today
At regular re-care appointments hygienists at Dr. Kakos’ office assess mouth condition and base on the patient age, general health, systemic medications and risk to develop dental decay, provide appropriate recommendations for type and form of fluoride application. When it’s time for treatment by a dental professional, give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 847-758-0100 at your earliest convenience!