4 Things to Know Before Getting Botox
Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process, and we’ve all felt like we could use a little bit of a touch-up before. If creams and face masks aren’t doing it for you, Botox might be the answer for which you’ve been looking. If you’re considering Botox near Arlington Heights, here are a few things to keep in mind while weighing your options.
1. Safety
When performed by a certified, experienced professional, Botox injections are safe. It is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an effective cosmetic treatment.
2. Duration
While it is different for every person, the effects of Botox typically last three to six months. The more treatments you have, the longer they last. Botox is a long-term strategy used to both reduce the look of wrinkles and to prevent them altogether.
3. Results
The maximum effects of Botox generally aren’t immediate. You may notice a difference in as little as forty-eight hours, but the full effects typically take two-weeks to be visible. It’s also common for the first set of Botox injections to only elicit a partial response. If so, complete relaxation of wrinkles is usually realized after the second or third treatment.
4. Recovery
Fortunately, there is no real recovery process associated with Botox injections. Some may experience slight swelling or bruising around the injection area, but this is typically short-lived.
Botox Arlington Heights
If you’re interested in Botox in Arlington Heights, look no further than the trained professionals at James Kakos DDS. If you are a candidate for this procedure, our team will give you all the information needed to properly prepare. Schedule your free consultation today to get started!