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Meet Our Dentists

James Kakos

James Kakos


Dr. Kakos was born and raised in Chicago. He completed his undergraduate education at Marquette University and then received his dental degree from Loyola University School of Dentistry in 1991. Following graduation, Dr. Kakos went on to complete a two-year externship at the Midwest Implant Institute where he received his surgical and prosthetic implant training. Dr. Kakos is also a licensed dental anesthesiologist and a Master in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

Dr. Kakos has an extensive continuing education record. His pursuit of excellence drives him to attend and participate in some of the most advanced continuing education available; consequently, he received the distinction of master in the Academy of General Dentistry, which only five percent of the dentists in the United States have achieved. In addition, Dr. Kakos is a member of numerous other associations and academies, including the American Dental Association, Illinois State Dental Society, Chicago Dental Society, sustaining member in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the American Academy of Oral Implantologists.

Dr. Kakos is also a graduate and preferred provider of the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, know as LVI. This institute trains only the top 10 percent of cosmetic dentists worldwide and has been showcased on the ABC show Extreme Makeover.

DaVinci Dental Studios has recognized Dr. Kakos’ contribution to the art and science of cosmetic dentistry.

Dr. Kakos is a proud father of two sons, Stephan and Nicholas.

Stephan Kakos

Stephan Kakos


Dr. Kakos is on a mission to follow in his father and grandfather's footsteps to become a 3rd generation Dentist in the Chicagoland area. Growing up as a child, it was his dream to one day impact his patients the way the Kakos family has for the past 2 generations. Dr. Kakos is excited to continue that legacy by providing the highest quality of care to his patients and local community.

Dr. Kakos holds impressive credentials including a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and a Masters in Biomedical Sciences from Tufts University School of Medicine.
Beyond his professional achievements, Dr. Kakos enjoys watching the Chicago Bears, playing for and supporting the Greek National Baseball Team, and playing his guitar.

Meet Our Team



Office Manager /
Financial Coordinator


Dental Hygienist /
Periodontal Therapist


Dental Hygienist/
Periodontal Therapist


Dental Assistant /
Surgical Assistant /


Dental Assistant


Dental Assistant


Front Desk Coordinator/
Treatment Coordinator