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We Care About Your Smile and Beautiful Face

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James Kakos, DDS – Cosmetic Dentist in Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect, IL

Our dental office sets new standards in the quality of dental procedures and restorations. To provide more effective and efficient ways to optimize diagnosis and treatment, we continually incorporate the newest developments and technology in dentistry.

Such technologies include CEREC® (CAD / CAM), 3D CT Cone Beam X-ray, Intra Oral Cameras, Velscope, and many others.

Testimonial Highlight

Dear Dr. Kakos & Staff,

It’s hard to find the words this morning to express how grateful I am for all that you have done for me on my journey. You all have shown me unmeasurable patience, grace, and care throughout this process, and it has meant the world to me. My self-confidence has soared over the past few months, and as I leave the office today with a beautiful new smile, please allow yourselves to feel the pride you deserve to feel in changing my life! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all that you’ve done for me.

Cheers! We did it!
Katy. A

A Proud Provider of Invisalign® Clear Aligners

James Kakos DDS invisalign logo

Unlock Your Brightest Smile With Our Teeth Whitening Program

smiling middle aged woman

Botox Cosmetics

Dr James Kakos and Dr. Stephan Kakos are delighted to announce they are now accepting patients for BOTOX Cosmetic Treatments.

Botox is one of the most recent and most exciting advances for treatment of wrinkles, lines, and the aging face. Botox is a highly purified naturally occurring protein which has the ability to very precisely relax the muscle to which it is applied.

family of three laughing on beach

Emergency Dentist in Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect, IL

When you are looking for general dentistry services in Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect, IL, Dr. James Kakos and Dr. Stephan Kakos offer the quality services you need to keep your smile looking healthy and beautiful. Our professional dental care is designed around each patient and their needs. Whether you’re looking for dentists to perform cosmetic dentistry or you simply need general dentistry services, we are here to help.

Advanced Periodontics

Everyone deserves to smile with pride. However, not everyone has the perfect teeth they desire. Whether you need general dentistry in Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect, IL to keep your smile in top-notch condition or you need cosmetic dentistry to restore your smile to what it should be, our dentists, Dr. James Kakos and Dr. Stephan Kakos, are ready to put together a treatment plan that will best suit your needs. Once you are through with your personalized treatment plan, you will be able to smile with ease and confidence. It doesn’t matter how much work you need done, we are here to provide the services necessary for a healthy, beautiful smile.

Toothache Treatment

In addition to our professional dental services in Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect, IL, our dentist will also provide a number of other oral-related procedures to help with your quality of life. We can also provide treatment for sleep apnea, along with Botox injections to improve the look of your face. Talk to our professional staff about what these other treatments can do for you. Contact us to schedule your appointment and start working on your smile.

Call Us Today to Schedule Exceptional Dental Care


1401 S Arlington Heights Road, Suite One
Arlington Heights, IL 60005



Hours of Operation

Monday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: By Appointment Only
Friday: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Twice a Month)

James S. Kakos, DDS, FAGD, South Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, IL, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

James Kakos DDS accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.


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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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